Collection: VERACRUZ

Cupping notes: Tropical fruits, caramel, chocolate, florals, brown sugar; citric acidity, juicy body.

Growing Altutude : 1250 - 1700 masl (meters above sea level)

Arabica Variety: Caturra, Catuai, Sarchimor, Marsellesa.

This amazing Specialty Coffee comes from the Zongolica Region of Veracruz, and it’s also known as “Woman Power Zongolica” because it’s grew and produced mostly by women! 

This region is also influenced by the ancestral heritage of its people, identified as part of the Nahuas indigenous group. 

Across generations, the Nahuas have shared their language and wisdom about plants, rivers, animals, mountains, the planet and the universe through storytelling by their elders.